PORTLAND, Maine — In celebration of a new name and brand identity, Portland’s Downtown District will host a Brand Launch Event in Post Office Park on Thursday, October 1 at 4pm. All press and downtown community members are invited to attend as the organization officially unveils its new name, logo and vision for the future.

“We are so thrilled to reveal our new logo, new name and new website at the launch event,” said Casey Gilbert, executive director. “It is timely, as our organization has just finalized a new five-year strategic plan. Portland’s Downtown District has done so much to grow our award-winning Downtown over the past 23 years and we intend to continue that trend. A vibrant Downtown signals a healthy, growing city. We hope the community will come out and celebrate with us as we launch our new brand.”

The Brand Launch Event will bring together city officials, downtown merchants & retailers and other community leaders who share the organization’s vision for a safe, clean and economically thriving downtown. Guests will enjoy refreshments, professional networking and fun “freebies” such as postcards, stickers and temporary tattoos.

Post Office Park is located next to Sonny’s in the Old Port (in between Market and Exchange Streets). Any questions may be directed to Casey Gilbert at 207-772-6828 or casey@portlandmaine.com. A media alert with more details about the event will be distributed next week.

Portland’s Downtown District, a not-for-profit 501c(4) organization, is in the business of maintaining a clean and safe downtown while building and promoting a vibrant business, residential and tourism destination.