Palaver Strings’ Beehive Chamber Series, “Painted Dreams”

10 Mayo Street, Portland, Maine 04101, US

This chamber program recalls sunnier times in the depths of a New England winter. Palaver Strings begins with Reena Esmail’a duo Nadiya, and continues with the subtle textures of Jeffrey Mumford’s string quartet A Veil of Liquid Diamonds. An avid painter as well as a composer, Mumford writes that his work is “inspired by cloud imagery, suspended structures that continually split off and recombine as analogous to the formation of layers of simultaneous musical development.” They’ll wrap up with the epic Souvenir de Florence string sextet, written by Tchaikovsky on one of his visits to Italy. This epic piece is full of dashing escapades, romantic sentiments, and nostalgia for home, drawing on both Italian themes and the Russian melodies of Tchaikovsky’s homeland.