Contra Dance! With the PIC’D UP Open Band. Mari Black and Megan Bergeron will play at the Historic 8th Maine Oceanfront Lodge.
This Contra Dance will be a two cset event! First set led by Emily Troll, the impomparable band leader for the PIC’D Up Contra Dance band! A band filled with professional and amature players who love to play for dances. A set list is available upon request if you want to join. Emily’s open approach is welcoming and fun. Anyone can join in and play along. Emily will be joined by Dylan Ladds on Piano and Dave Langford on fiddle. The dance will be called by Contra Dance caller extraordinaire Maggie Robinson.
Second Set will bring Mari Black and MEgan Bergeron to the stage. Mari is an old friend of Peaks Island having grown up in Maine and spent many days and nights on our rocky shores. Megan Bergeron will join us from the Canadian province of New Brunswick and brings with her a long family tradition of Acadian French piano accompaniment. The second set will be called by Heather McAslan who will be joining us from Glasgow, Scotland.
New to Contra Dancing? No worries! Listeners welcome- and old adage is- if you can walk you can contra dance. This welcoming group would say even if you can’t walk you can contra dance. All are welcome for this collaborative social dance. No partners required.
Suggested donation $20 cash at door or Venmo @AcadiaTradFestival