Bread & Puppet’s “The Hope Principle Show: Citizens’ Shame and Hope in the Time of Genocide”

10 Mayo Street, Portland, Maine 04101, US

Puppet show! Puppet show! Bread & Puppet Theater is excited to announce that they will kick off our 61st year by traversing the Northeast and Eastern Seaboard with a brand-new play created with their director, Peter Schumann, for the exact moment at hand.

Of the show–The Hope Principle Show: Citizens’ Shame and Hope in the Time of Genocide–director Peter Schumann says, “The imminent end of the capitalist empire, colonizing and genociding as the whole world looks on in horror, attacked by a flock of cranes migrating from Palestine to replace the shit inside the White House with genuine bird droppings. Frogs, caribou, dancing bears, bicycling chickens make up the rest of the cast.”

After the performance, Bread & Puppet will serve its free sourdough rye bread with aioli, and Bread & Puppet’s “Cheap Art” – books, posters, postcards, pamphlets, and banners from the Bread & Puppet Press – will be for sale.