A Group Exhibit of Visual Arts Opens February 4th at Richard Boyd Art Gallery

15 Epps Street, Portland, Maine 04108, US

If you’re in or around Portland, Maine this February stop in Richard Boyd Art Gallery to see a great annual exhibition of paintings and sculptures created by a group of established and emerging artists’ with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and interests joined by their love of creating art.

The exhibit is comprised of paintings in a range of mediums and styles from multiple genres, and includes works by artists’ Deena S. Ball, Heather Newton Brown, Patricia Chandler, Carrin Culotta, Jane Herbert, Kristin Horton, Jen Pagnini, HM Saffer II; and sculptures by Charles Ellithorpe DVM, and Laura Freeman.

The exhibit is open free of charge from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from February 4th through February 27th, 2022. Additional days and times by chance or appointment.

For more information about the exhibit contact the gallery by phone at (207)-712-1097, email info@richardboydartgallery.com or visit the gallery’s website at www.richardboydartgallery.com .

For exhibit updates like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RichardBoydArtGallery and follow us on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/richardboydartgallery9327 .

Image: ‘Last Light’ by Deena S. Ball. Watercolor and Mixed Media on a Ground Aluminum Panel 24” x 24”