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February 7th is annually celebrated as 207 Day in Maine, inspired by the state’s area code. The 207 Day Weekend Scavenger Hunt — Sat., Feb. 3 & Sun., Feb. 4, 2024 — offers an opportunity to explore, shop, eat, drink, and experience all that Maine has to offer. This self-guided, virtual scavenger hunt is designed to encourage Portlanders to break out of their winter hibernation and enjoy the City of Portland’s corner of Maine.

Sign your business up today for the 207 Day Weekend Scavenger Hunt! 

Deadline to register is Friday, January 19. You will be notified of approval within 24 business hours.

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Submit a task FOR FREE using the form made available below. A good task should:

  • Be wallet friendly. Think $2.07 or less. Free is preferred!
  • Have a Portland connection with a nod to Maine-made goods, Portland history, or even the 2-0-7 area code.
  • Be shown completed by a photograph. Think of something participants could snap a pic of — whether it’s holding up a cool item at a local shop or snapping a photo of their receipt.

Tasks can:

  • Be a riddle, like this one: This locomotive travels 146 miles, ten times a day. Visit its Portland home base & submit a photo with its outdoor sign.
  • Prompt a selfie, like this one: Find the name of our coffee plant & submit a selfie with it.
  • Include a delicious — and festive — $2.07 deal, like this one: Try one of our local beers for $2.07 and submit a picture of it with our moose!

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A Look Back at 2022: 

The inaugural 207 Day Scavenger Hunt was a total hit. Here are some fun facts from the 2022 fun:

  • 96 tasks were on the 2022 207 Day Scavenger Hunt list
  • 84 businesses participated with exclusive Maine-, Portland-, or 207-themed offers
  • 433 community members joined to explore Portland, completing a combined 1,933 tasks
  • The ‘Portland Explorer’ award was reserved for the individual who completed the most tasks. Tammy Locke, who, with the help of her husband and teen son, completed 93 out of the full 96 tasks